Day 5 – What I Ate Today – Diabetes Blog Week

Taking a cue from Adam Brown’s recent post, write a post documenting what you eat in a day!  Feel free to add links to recommended recipes/shops/whatever.  Make it an ideal day or a come-as-you-are day – no judgments either way.  (Thank you, Katy of  Bigfoot Child Have Diabetes for this topic.)

Fortunately, I hadn’t looked ahead today to see what the topic was, so my day of eating wasn’t done self-consciously, and it was in many ways typical for me, which is not very interesting!

For breakfast, I had what i have 99% of the time, a delicious and really nutritious smoothie. It’s fairly low carb, using all organic ingredients, with unsweetened coconut or almond milk as a base. I add some greens, since I don’t eat them much otherwise – today it was chard, and then a small “apple banana” from my yard. They’re about half the size of a regular banana and less sweet. I am blessed to live on Maui and try to use the fruit from my yard as it ripens – oranges, papayas and bananas. I add frozen berries for flavor and antioxidants, buying organic ones at Costco. Today it was strawberries, sometimes blueberries or mixed berries.

Then I also add a bunch of “superfood” powders – hemp protein powder, spirulina, chlorella, maca and cacao, with a bit of coconut oil. Each one has amazing properties to support health – balancing hormones, giving energy, adding healthy omegas, etc… I have  the whole smoothie recipe on my other blog if you’re interested in details!

Two cups of that is about 45 grams of carbs, fairly low glycemic (unless I have papaya and banana), and I take 3 units of Humalog. This fills me and keeps me going for many hours.

Since my breakfast was late today, and I had clients all afternoon, I was in a hurry and ate less lunch than unusual and even more oddly than normal for me. I had some cheese, some strawberries, some kombucha and a glass of green juice (green veggies blended), without taking insulin.  Then some dark chocolate and half a raspberry fig bar when I was dropping low…

By late afternoon I was really hungry and ate my leftover half of a chicken tostada from last night for dinner. It was a corn tortilla with beans, lettuce, tomato, chicken, avocado and lots of garlicky salsa. I took 3 units which was too much, as most of the beans were in the first half it turned out, so I had a Chobani cherry yogurt for dessert.

I actually had one of the best CGM readings ever the past 24 hours, and I’m not sure why i’ve been having such excellent numbers, but I’m really grateful! (I may have to eat a bit more soon, but it’s slowly creeping up with the yogurt hitting my bloodstream now…)

Dexcom, CGM, no-hitter, Dexcom G4,

CGM May 15, 2015

Here are the other participants in the Diabetes Blog Week– great fun to read!

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